"The opposite of success is not failure, it is doing nothing." ~Doug Griffiths

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"The opposite of success is not failure, it is doing nothing." ~Doug Griffiths

Those who answer the call are appreciated

Woolwich Township is one of many municipalities across Canada who enjoy the benefits of a Volunteer Firefighting service. Up to 83% of Canadians are covered and protected by volunteer firefighting services. The benefits to our community for a volunteer brigade are numerous and extend beyond each department.

In Woolwich, we have close to 160 firefighters serving over six departments. The departments are made up of men and women from all walks of life; they train weekly and answer calls together when they arise. A core group in each community will work close-by in order to reduce call-times.

Employers have been supportive of their employees dropping their work duties and race to a call. It’s a great model that involves a cross-section of people in our communities working together.

In my eight years as the Elmira Ward Councillor the fire department has always had my support. This service is essential, and a bargain for taxpayers. Every dollar spent in the department is an investment in public safety now and the future. A full-time firefighter model would be cost-prohibitive for a small municipality like Woolwich and some other townships in the region. I’ve done everything at the Council table to continue to support our firefighters and will continue that support.

As of the last couple of years, it was identified that our volunteer force compensation is significantly deficient in comparison to neighbouring forces. I spearheaded the motivation for senior management to implement a plan that would increase the levels of compensation to be inline with others in the Region. Council and staff need to be mindful of the inherent risk and commitment that volunteer firefighters make to serve their community.

Training for firefighters is essential. The Ontario Fire Marshall has been mandating increased certifications for our fire firefighters that all come at a cost. There will be many firefighters that are grandfathered into the new certification, but newer recruits will be starting within the new training regiment. Firefighters are constantly training to be prepared for various emergencies that could potentially impact our communities at any time. Being ready to act in all situations should give comfort to residents residing here. It certainly does for me. I have supported all measures throughout my tenure, including the increase in department training budget, and will be supportive in the future.

I appreciate and support the work that our Volunteer Fire Departments do to keep our residents safe, to respond to our emergency needs, and can be counted on when disaster strikes.

Woolwich Township is always looking for the right people to answer the call to join the department. Currently, there is a recruitment drive, and they are hiring volunteer firefighters. It’s a great way to get involved with the community and build more than just friendships. Have a sense of pride and perhaps find further opportunities for career-growth or build your resume. The schedules are flexible to balance work and life commitments, and you’ll be paid to serve.

Those interested in joining the Woolwich Township Fire Department visit here to answer the call.

Patrick Merlihan poses in front of the Maryhill Fire Hall which will be demolished and rebuilt this year.

A new firehall for Maryhill

The Maryhill Fire Department plans for a brand new firehall are underway and long overdue. I was happy to support a brand new build to get all the features required to deliver top-notch fire services in Maryhill and area.

Candidate for Mayor,
Woolwich Township 2022

Website designed by Patrick Merlihan. All content is authorized by the campaign to elect Patrick Merlihan.

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